This workshop will help you explore how to use all the great skills and talents you have to diversify your career (often to support your core work), increase your choices, efficiency and your earning potential. The workshop is free of charge to our members.

Dates, times and locations

Feb 7 (London)
Musicians’ Union
60-62 Clapham Road


Feb 22 (Manchester)
WFA Media & Cultural Centre
9 Lucy Street
M15 4BX



Apply Online by Feb 1 (London) and Feb 10 (Manchester)



While we have a preferred field of work, most freelances quickly realise that there are unavoidable downtimes where the work we want to do is thin on the ground.

This is why it’s useful and sometimes crucial to be able to transfer our skills (and perhaps gain news ones) to create other areas of work that are satisfying and lucrative and may allow us to support our core career in the long term.

By the end of this workshop, you should be able to:

  • Recognize the benefits of diversifying your career
  • Understand what is involved in running a successful portfolio career
  • Assess and identify your previously unrecognized, ignored or under-valued saleable skills
  • Have the tools to put your portfolio career together
  • Understand how best to take your portfolio to market
  • How to manage your portfolio to maximum effect
  • Know how to keep it going in the future.

Who should attend

Freelances working in the creative industries who wish to find new ways of using and updating their skills to create more work opportunities.


No formal qualifications are needed to attend this workshop.

Tutors: Muriel McClymont and Sue Walker

How to Apply

To attend this session, fill in the short application form Feb 1 (London) and Feb 10 (Manchester). You will need to register if you have not done so already.

All events have been over-subscribed to date so successful applicants will be chosen randomly after the cut-off date. We will let you know if your application has been successful within a couple of days after the deadline.

Further enquiries:

Tel: 07990 504 612

Business skills training
for creative freelances