Post-match analysis Analyse in detail how you succeeded when you were successful, and what went wrong when you failed - learn from your successes and your failures. Before calling a potential new customer - a prospect - or an existing supplier, we should have in our...
Closing the deal In sales jargon making the sale is called the close. And there are a number of ways you can close a sale. You have to judge which is suitable for each particular situation and each client (on the subject of jargon, someone who has not bought from you...
Coping with rejection First, think of it as an objection, not a rejection. It’s not that final yet. And let’s embrace and welcome objections. Points of disagreement help us to know that the buyer is at least interested. An objection at this stage means: We have not...
It’s the way you tell ‘em What do we have to do in order to persuade someone to buy? We have to communicate. We have to influence another person's thinking and attitudes in such a way as to convince them of the desirability of a course of action that had previously...
Sticking to the script It’s time for you to do some work. Think of a client you want to sell to (or you want to work for). Run through what might motivate them and how you might stress that what you provide or the way you provide it will meet their need. Write...
The Hierarchy of Needs Your potential buyer is an individual human being. Buyers bring with them their own motivations but they also have motivations inspired by their business. The business, as a corporate entity, will have its needs and these are not necessarily...
What motivates your client? In order to sell you have to think the way your client is thinking. When customers buy a product or a service they are buying what the product or service will do for them - not what it is. When you buy a car you could well be buying a...
Why we must learn to sell Selling – it’s almost a dirty word to us creative types. We tend to be artistic, have flair, create masterpieces. Our work should sell and our talents should be recognised just because. We’re good. We know we’re good. The world just needs to...