Free workshop for members

Date and time
June 26, 10.30am-4.30am

Bristol Old Vic
King Street




Negotiation is an essential skill for a freelance to master. Whether you are negotiating day rates or defined packages of work, it’s important to learn to represent yourself clearly and effectively with the aim of agreeing terms that you and your client are happy with.

This workshop will give you tools and tips for planning, preparing and conducting negotiations in a business like way. It will offer you insights into styles and processes that can help improve your effectiveness for future negotiations.

This workshop covers:

  • the importance of principled negotiation
  • how to prepare effectively
  • how to gather the information you need to negotiate effectively
  • how to find common ground
  • how to focus on negotiation as a business transaction
  • the importance of defining limits.

This workshop includes practical exercises to provide participants with the opportunity to try out what you learn in a safe environment.

Who should attend?

Anyone who needs to negotiate with clients, especially if they have found themselves in the past, agreeing to things they later regretted.

Qualifications required

No specific qualifications are required.

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop you will:

  • have gained a deeper understanding of the negotiation process
  • be aware of the importance of planning effectively
  • know how important it is to explore all the potential variables
  • be aware of the relational aspects of negotiation
  • see the benefits of joint problem solving as a negotiation style
  • understand the importance of strategic thinking in negotiations.

Tutor: Muriel McClymont

Apply Online

To apply for a place on this free, one-day workshop, fill in the short application form by June 17 2014. You will need to register if you have not done so already. All workshops have been over-subscribed to date so successful applicants will be chosen randomly after the cut-off date of June 17. We will let you know if your application has been successful by June 18.

Further enquiries
t: 07710 240585

Business skills training
for creative freelances