To help you manage your stress levels and get organised so that you can make the most of your freelance lifestyle, we’ve just launched a new online course ‘Stress-busting for Freelances’ - free to members.

Like all our ecourses, it’s designed for your convenience and you can drop in to it whenever you have some spare time. It’s not graded but an interactive learning method that is designed to be of immediate practical use to your working life.

To access the course, all you have to do is log in to our digital learning centre. If you haven’t done so already, you’ll need to register at first where you can also access a range of additional information and learning facilities including:

- Online tutorials on building your own website

- A suite of ecourses including:

  • Business Skills for Freelances
  • Building your Web Presence
  • Diversifying Your Portfolio
  • Finance for Freelances
  • Stress busting for Freelances

- Quick tips on handling a variety of business and psychological challenges that freelances face

- Popular Q & A sessions

- FEU blog covering a montly 'hot topic'.

- Freelance challenge forum where you can ask questions and get answers from FEU Training and creative peers.

* Coming soon…

- Building your Brand (online)

This course will help you develop and convey your image to help market your work successfully.

- Autumn classroom-based training

Look out for updates on a range of new training workshops coming up from FEU Training this autumn.

More info:


T: 07914397243

Business skills training
for creative freelances