Negotiating with confidence

LEARNING TO NEGOTIATE, and standing up for what you want or need will not just help you professionally, it will help you to do more of what you want at home, with friends and in all areas of your life. However, at our recent negotiation workshop, many of the...

How do I turn my ideas into reality?

EVER HAD AN absolutely brilliant idea, done nothing about it, then a year later see someone else making loads of money with an almost identical scheme, and you’re left spluttering and ranting (quietly) about how you thought of it first? What’s the difference between...

Set goals or go with the flow

WE HAD SOME interesting discussions at our recent Goal Setting workshop around the merits and demerits of setting goals. It got me thinking. Is it even possible to live without setting any goals? And if so, would this be a good thing? Going with the flow The argument...

New Ambassador to represent freelances

In November, the Government announced the appointment of David Morris MP, as the UK’s Self Employed ‘Tsar’, or ambassador, who is going to, “bang the drum for freelances throughout the UK.” The Office of National Statistics says that there are currently over 4.5...

Your super charged annual review

As I was completing my accounts the other day, it occurred to me that even though it feels like a chore, it was actually a really useful process. The gathering up of long forgotten transactions and faintly remembered income gave me a clear overview of my year. I...

Achieving goals with vision boards

When we set goals and make plans, we have to find the motivation to transform these into reality. There’s lots of advice out there on how to do this, indeed, we’ve made many suggestions within previous blog posts, or in the online resources section of this website....

Dealing with setbacks (3)

Do’s and Don’ts There are some spectacular strategies out there for making setbacks worse, and if we are honest, most of us have indulged in some of them on occasion. In this blog, I’ve identified the most common negative approaches, and below each one offer an...

Business skills training
for creative freelances