Keep your options open

For many of us at the moment, things are undoubtedly tough. And, as human beings, we have developed many ways to make it even tougher than it needs to be. For example, sometimes we catastrophise, taking a bad situation and imagining everything getting worse and worse...

2019 – Ready to Launch!

Did anyone else watch the clock cross its annual threshold and feel a bit underwhelmed? I am surprised that I have come to feel this way, because I am Scottish, and New Year when I was growing up was a very, very big deal. In Scotland, New Year was a much bigger deal...

5 Strategies for Success

On reading accounts of how people became successful, it is clear that there are many different routes. Amongst all the variations though there are some consistent themes, which I will share here. Before we get into strategies, it is important to consider what we mean...

10 Tips for Preparing for Interviews

Most of us have to attend interviews of some sort of to secure work. These may be a formal affair or a seemingly casual coffee/drink somewhere. Whichever is likely to be the case for you, we have some tips about how do prepare in order to present yourself at your best...

Taking on the learning curve

The one certain thing in a creative freelance life is that we have to be able and willing to deal with uncertainty. Whether it’s where our next job is coming from or what new skills we need to acquire when we get there, we have to be adaptable and quick to learn. And...

Business skills training
for creative freelances