Easy to enrol – learn from the comfort of your own computer or mobile!

This webinar looks at the key factors necessary to ensure that your clients are satisfied, preferably delighted, with what you do so that they hire you on an on-going basis and recommend you to others - resulting in an easier and more profitable working life.

Please indicate your interest in this Webinar before 23 Sept by clicking ENROL below.


It is essential that you make the effort to build excellent working relationships throughout your career so that you can create new work opportunities from established clients and ensure that your reputation helps convince new clients to commission your work.

This workshop looks at a number of key aspects that will help you build more fruitful working relationships in the long-term including:

  • What everyone wants from the people they work with
  • Assessing individual needs
  • Delivering on promises
  • Problem solving
  • Handling complaints.

The format

While you will be able to see and hear the tutors, you will not be visible or audible to them or each other. However, you will be able to ask questions, see the questions that others ask and make comments.

The session will last approximately 1hr of presentation-style teaching interspersed with questions and answers from participants. We will round up the with a Q & A session.

Depending on how many questions are asked, the session may run longer than 1hr so please set aside 1hr 15mins if you want to stay to participate in the Q & A at the end.

Expected learning outcomes

  • A better understanding of what it takes to create long-term profitable relationships on a general and individual basis.
  • A better understanding of how to enhance your reputation.

Tutors: Frances Dredge and Muriel McClymont

Business skills training
for creative freelances