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Managing your stress levels and getting organised are essential if you are to make the most of the freelance lifestyle. This webinar will help you recognise the typical signs of stress and stay in control.

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This webinar will help you to spot the difference between ‘good stress’ and ‘bad stress’ with the aim of helping you to use stress positively while managing and controlling negative stress.

We’ll also look at tips and techniques to avoid the kind of stress traps that lie in wait for the unprepared freelance. Topics include:

  • What stress is
  • Signs and symptoms (physical and emotional)
  • Getting organised
  • Avoiding stress traps
  • Looking after yourself.

Who should enrol

Freelances who want to have a better understanding of pitfalls and solutions to dealing with stress on a daily basis.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the webinar, you will be more able to:

  • understand how stress works and feel more comfortable discussing its effects
  • identify early signs and symptoms, thereby aiding recovery
  • develop strategies for monitoring stress and alleviating its effects
  • become more organised to reduce stress
  • know where to find further information and help.

The format

While you will be able to see and hear the tutors, you will not be visible or audible to them or each other. Nobody will know if you’re eating mince pies! However, you will be able to ask questions, see the questions that others ask and make comments.

The format for this session is approximately 1hr of presentation-style teaching interspersed with questions and answers from participants. We will round up the with a Q & A session. Depending on how many questions are asked, the session may run longer than 1hr so please set aside 1hr 15mins if you want to stay to participate in the Q & A at the end.

Tutors: David Thomas and Frances Dredge

Business skills training
for creative freelances