Recordings of our live webinars on key topics in support of creative freelances

Goal setting for 2021

With continuing disruption resulting from the Coronavirus crisis, it’s even more important to get focused and start the New Year with a clear idea of what you want to achieve in the short and longer term and how to stay motivated until you attain your goals.

FEU Blog

  • 17 Feb 2021
    PROBLEMS CROP up regularly as part of our working lives. For example, we might get sick, which makes it impossible […]
  • 14 Oct 2020
    There’s nothing like a world pandemic to shake up our assumptions and priorities! I’m pretty sure many of us used […]
  • 24 Jun 2020
    For many of us at the moment, things are undoubtedly tough. And, as human beings, we have developed many ways […]
  • 20 May 2020
    Usually, I have energy abound for my work and a passion for even the smallest things in life. However, in […]
  • 24 Apr 2020
      Many of us are used to working from home. We’ve probably got some sort of routine sorted out and […]
  • 20 Apr 2020
    As the Covid-19 lock down loomed, I found myself listening to and watching blanket news coverage, thinking this would help […]
  • 09 Apr 2020
    For many of us, staying mentally strong through this scary time will be just as important as maintaining our physical […]
  • 16 Mar 2020
    Due to the continuing effects of the Coronavirus, we will be suspending our face-to-face training and events programme in the short-term.
  • 15 Feb 2019
    There is a real aura that surrounds someone who is truly confident. It’s an authenticity, a comfortable relaxed presence that […]
  • 04 Jan 2019
    Did anyone else watch the clock cross its annual threshold and feel a bit underwhelmed? I am surprised that I […]
  • 04 Dec 2018
    Most of us realise that achieving our goals is not always plain sailing. We’ll definitely experience setbacks and have to […]
  • 08 May 2018
    On reading accounts of how people became successful, it is clear that there are many different routes. Amongst all the […]

Business skills training
for creative freelances